
時間 2021-06-09 02:36:05


In the end it must be as it is and always has been: great things remain for the great, abysses for the profound, nuances and shudders for the refined, and, in brief, all that is rare for the rare.

我解釋為:In the end, everything will be like its present and also the past: great things will always be great because they ARE great; profound things will always be profound because they ARE profound; delicate or dangerous things will be like themselves because they are made so.

In a summary, unusual things are unusual because they ARE unusual.




夢兮成殤 那天給手機充著電等著她回訊息,看著呼吸燈靜靜地亮著,忽然燈從淺綠變成深綠,下意識地想要點開手機。手抬起到一半又只好默默放下,想起那不過是等到電快充滿了罷了。 ChiC 他不願阿飛再想這件事,忽然抬頭笑道 你看,這棵樹上的梅花已開了。阿飛道 嗯。李尋歡道 你可知道已開了多少朵?阿飛道 十七朵...


瀉藥。雖然不知道為什麼會邀到我嘿嘿嘿。以前寫給前女友的故事寫過一段話 我喜歡孤獨啊 哪有喜歡孤獨的人啊,所謂喜歡孤獨,在我看來,只不過是害怕期望得不到實現罷了。 黃油油油 孤獨和酒往往是一對 春江花朝秋月夜,往往取酒還獨傾。白居易 琵琶行 舉杯照明月,對飲成三人。李白 月下獨酌四首其一 這首裡還有一...