
時間 2021-06-03 11:30:37


What is the difference between By and Through?

Part of Speech:

Both by and through are prepositions.

Meanings of By and Through:

By is used to indicate:

Near or next to something.

Modes of transportation.

A time period.

Past or beyond something.

Ownership of composition, writing, creation.

The increase or decrease of something as well.

The manner of something.

Rate of something.



A result.

Through is used to indicate:

From one position to another position of something; often from one end to the opposite end of something.

Giving a reason/ because of.

Going past something

Completion of an activity.


For most users the difference between the two prepositions can be rather confusing. This however, is to be expected since there are certain situations where either can be used. However as a general rule one can bear in mind that while the preposition by is mostly used when referring to a means of something, the preposition through is used in relation to a process.

This is the key difference between the two prepositions.



在表達「通過做……」時,用by doing...和through doing...均可,相比之下,by doing更常用。

此外,二者各有些約定俗成的語境,如by car,by phone,through a friend,through an agency等。


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