無法防守的後撤步 高階後撤步技巧

時間 2021-06-02 16:35:45

1樓:失去虎鯨的 JG

1. 第一句來自 Pablo Neruda 的《You and I and Now ...》Just knowing you』re out there thinking about me,

Caring about me, makes me feel safe

So all my fears, all my yesterdays wash away,

And only hope remains in the promise of your embrace.

You make me thank god for every mistake I ever made,

Because each one led me down the path that brought me to you.

And when we finally come together, I want you to hold me all night.

Stroke my hair, tell me I』m a woman, and show me you』re a man.

Until there was only now; you, and I, and now.

I do not ask of the night explanations, I wait for it, and it envelops me

And so you and bread and light and shadow are.

I』ll be back when the wind and fates and chance bring me back.


第一句和一首英文歌很像 My Prayer http://


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