
時間 2021-06-26 05:34:11


Pauli exclusion principle

It has been shown that the Pauli exclusion principle is responsible for the fact that ordinary bulk matter is stable and occupies volume. This suggestion was first made in 1931 by Paul Ehrenfest, who pointed out that the electrons of each atom cannot all fall into the lowest-energy orbital and must occupy successively larger shells. Atoms therefore occupy a volume and cannot be squeezed too closely together.


tibbers 要說路程的話,他不是往下鑽了剛好5182m 可能是斜著走的呢,可能遇到岩石轉彎了呢。位移的話他沒給出位移起點和終點,這個5182只是深度。 Kevin 深度為5182m的地方 是距離海平面5182m的位於海中的乙個平面。因此下潛器的終點在這個平面內,但起點只是乙個確定位置的點又因為下...


黃勇 Increasing returns to scale if tf mathbf for all t 1 and mathbf eeimg 1 上述引自Advanced Microeconomic Theory 豆瓣 P.133 我覺得原定義應該沒什麼問題。首先引用一下原定義 economie...


鐘奇 用中畫幅6x9的時候經常用90mm鏡頭,折算過來大概是38.5mm。大畫幅4x5偶爾用135mm鏡頭,折算過來大約是36.5mm的樣子。全畫幅用35mm基本拍拍室內人像吧。6x9拍攝如下 4x5拍攝如下 全家福35mm很適合拍拍室內人像,拍攝死黨如下 泗水三江口 話不多說直接上圖,在我看來35...