
時間 2021-05-06 18:30:13


Big Brother's face looms on giant telescreens in Victory Square in one of several scenes of Michael Radford's 1984 film adaptation of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four

.Telescreensare devices that operate as both televisions, security cameras and microphones. They are featured in George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four

as well as all film adaptations of the novel. In the novel and its adaptations, telescreens are used by the ruling Party in the totalitarian fictional State of Oceania to keep its subjects under constant surveillance, thus eliminating the chance of secret conspiracies against Oceania.


Daniel kkkk 交通工程學是交通工程學科研究與發展的基本理論,是從道路工程學科中派生出來的一門較年輕的學科,它把人 車 路 環境及能源等與交通有關的幾個方面綜合在道路交通這個統一體中進行研究,以尋求出行效率最大 交通事故最少 通行速度最快 運輸費用最省 環境影響最少 能源消耗最低的交通系統規...


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BIM教育 BIM的全稱是Building information Modeling,中文翻譯為建築資訊模型。BIM是一種應用於工程設計建造管理的資料化工具,其根本目的是實現所有人 所有專業 建築全生命週期的資訊共享。全週期的BIM功能,主要包括建模 方案分析 管線綜合 指導施工 施工備料統計 施工...