
時間 2021-06-08 10:26:13

1樓:Liang Shi

在此引用一篇疾病線粒體基因組綜述文章的摘要部分 [1]:

Mitochondrial genome (mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA) lesions that unbalance bioenergetic and oxidative outputs are an important cause of human disease. A major impediment in our understanding of the pathophysiology of mitochondrial disorders is the complexity with which mtDNA mutations are spatiotemporally distributed and managed within individual cells, tissues, and organs. Unlike the comparatively static nuclear genome, accumulating evidence highlights the variability, dynamism, and modifiability of the mtDNA nucleotide sequence between individual cells over time.


丟個鏈結,知網中文綜述,科普下古DNA提取技術新進展http www.cnki.net kcms detail detail.aspx?dbcode CJFQ dbName CJFQTEMP FileName SWCX201426045 v MjczNTCeZ 2BRnFy3kVb KNjrIdrG...


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