
時間 2021-06-06 21:15:50


先要知道雨流計數法得到的是什麼。材料在承受迴圈載入時,它的應力-應變響應表現出所謂的記憶特徵,即滯回環(hysteresis loops),我們用雨流計數計算的每個迴圈代表乙個滯回環-----每乙個滯回環就構成乙個疲勞損傷單元。



Peak and valley counting

Peak-valley counting simply counts the number of peaks and valleys which fall within specified bands. A gate level may be set to exclude small fluctuations in the signal. In Figure 4.

22, a peak and valley which formed a range less than the gate level would not be counted.

The results of a peak/valley count may be displayed as an exceedence diagram which shows the number of peaks or valleys which exceed any specified value (Figure 4.23)

Range counting

Range counting preceded Rainflow counting as a fatigue analysis algorithm. A range is formed between each peak and valley. The analysis produces a histogram of ranges, which can be post-processed to produce range density diagrams and range exceedence diagrams, as described for Rainflow cycle counting

For fatigue analysis, a range was assumed to be half a cycle, and so fatigue damage could be calculated.Consider however the following section of a signal (Figure 4.25)

The large range from A to B is broken by range counting into a larger number of smaller ranges. In terms of fatigue, this means that the analysis misses the larger cycles, and replaces them by a larger number of smaller cycles. A gate level may be set to exclude the smaller ranges, and so form a result closer to real Rainflow cycle counting.

3樓:Brandon Lu









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