組合語言中的 向C進製 c是什麼意思?

時間 2021-06-19 07:49:50


Status Flags

The status flags reflect the outcomes of arithmetic and logical operations performed by the CPU.

The carry flag (CF) is set when the result of an unsigned arithmetic operation is too large to fit into the destination.

Flags affected by Addition and Subtraction

The Carry flag indicates unsigned integer overflow. For example, if an instruction has an 8-bit destination operand but the instruction generates a result larger than 11111111 binary, the Carry flag is set.

The CF (carry flag) tells whether a bit was carried out of the word entirely (e.g. into bit 33 or bit 65).

If numbers are interpreted as unsigned, carry flag means that addition overflowed, and the result is too large to fit in a machine word. The overflow flag is irrelevant.





應該是eflags暫存器中的Carry Flag,比方說兩個無符號數相加後,若有進製,將此位設為1,若無進製,設為0


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