
時間 2021-06-02 23:46:58


如果單核的話,通道可以最大化效能,如果多核的話,無論哪種語言都有難度。go 語言也很容易掉落坑里,而且並不是所有業務都適合非同步和併發。

There's an absolutely amazing library for Haskell called Haxl, that automatically tracks the data dependencies of your network requests and batches them and runs them asynchronously as long as they don't overlap. It's something that shows the power of computational abstractions like monads and it's not something that has a, ahem, parallel in any other language, as far as I know. At least, not for IO.

We've had this exact ability in the CPU for a long, long time. The CPU tracks the data dependencies of computations and will parallelize them wherever possible.

The reason data dependencies matter is that the CPU doesn't just execute one instruction at a time. As long as two instructions don't share a register they can safely be run simultaneously, so the CPU does so. This is essentially free parallelism without the need for locks, work queues or anything that affects your architecture at all, so you would be crazy not to take advantage of it.

Parallelizable computation also lends itself well to autovectorization, which is the process where the compiler realizes that you're doing the same thing to multiple different values and converts it to a special instruction that, well, does the same thing to multiple different values.

For example, the compiler could translate the following numerical code:

(a1 + a2) + (b1 + b2) + (c1 + c2) + (d1 + d2)

into just one instruction that executes all four subexpressions as fast as a single addition.

%intermediate-value = add-vectors [%a1 %b1 %c1 %d1] [%a2 %b2 %c2 %d2]

sum-parts %intermediate-value

RUST 和 GO那個效能更好?

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非同步電機和同步電機中的 非同步 與 同步 指的是什麼?

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