
時間 2021-05-29 23:00:27





2樓:Evelyn Tong

有高人推薦答案如下:There was an article in Business Insider with an explanation from a military advisor:

When we spoke with the film's military technical adviser, retired Sgt. Maj. James Dever, he explained how something as small as red flares could be effective against something as big as Godzilla.

"The use of the red flares was never to attack the creature," said Dever. "It was used to divert the creature ... to distract him.

"The flares — and red smoke — divert the monster's attention long enough for the military to use its more powerful artillery or even clear the area.

In real life, the military uses smoke and flares in similar ways.

Smoke can be used to create smoke screens for cover and the different colors of smoke can signify enemy targets and identify landing areas for aircraft.

3樓:lee leo


There was an article in Business Insider with an explanation from a military advisor:

When we spoke with the film's military technical adviser, retired Sgt. Maj. James Dever, he explained how something as small as red flares could be effective against something as big as Godzilla.

"The use of the red flares was never to attack the creature," said Dever. "It was used to divert the creature ... to distract him.

"The flares — and red smoke — divert the monster's attention long enough for the military to use its more powerful artillery or even clear the area.

In real life, the military uses smoke and flares in similar ways.

Smoke can be used to create smoke screens for cover and the different colors of smoke can signify enemy targets and identify landing areas for aircraft.







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