
時間 2021-06-16 17:30:55


Yes. Memorizing new words is tough.

My suggestion is that just stop doing this .

It doesn't mean that we are going to give up learning English .

It means that we were learning English in a wrong way .

As you can see, now we are using this language to communicate. It's very interesting, isn't it?

Why don't we use this language instead of just learning this language itself?

Our English can be better and better if we keep using it.

We can also use this language to learn new things, to search for the things that you want to know in English.

For example:

If you search ''periodic table'' (元素週期表), you can get this.

And you can also search ''What does girls like for a gift?''

Anything you can do on Baidu. You can do it in English in Bing.

So my suggestion is that just give up memorizing words because words are dead. Use this language to do the things you like. Just forget that you are learning this language.

You are using a tool. And finally, you can get familiar with this.




別難過,想想怎麼解決。 成語難背吧?用的多了,那也能張口就來。



Declare the Covid-19 pandemicThe world health organization officially declared the Covid-19 pandemic started to outbreak worldwidely.

每認識乙個新單詞, 都用這樣的模式去學習。相信我,你會學的越來越有信心!


白日嗷嗷 背單詞這事兒實在是急不得,你今天背的單詞明天未必記得,這是普遍現象。專四之前我一天幾百個單詞的量,專四結束後差不多就忘光了。我自己是那種會拼寫單詞但是意思記不住的那種,不知道你是哪種,所以我就從這兩個類別來給一些個人的看法吧 1.會拼寫記不住中文 2.中文都記得不會拼 這是基本功問題 快去...


諾曼 背了又忘,說明你的複習週期過長,說明沒有建立足夠的聯絡,要多看多用,多建立各種聯絡。對自己的學習進度,複習週期,檢查方式進行調整,來符合自己的記憶規則。 胖胖樂 大部分人背單詞都想著一勞永逸只記一遍,怎麼可能,你我又不是神童。不止是英語單詞,其實一般人背啥都是背了又忘,唯一的方法就是反覆記憶。...


長尾詞 找一本和你的英語水平差不多的書來閱讀,最好一頁中沒見過的單詞不超過八個,在閱讀的時候,第一次見到不熟悉的詞先別查,等這個詞出現第二次再查,出現的次數越多說明這個詞是高頻詞,一定要記住它。 作良 首先我們要明白背單詞的目的,我們最終目的是要學會運用乙個單詞,而不是簡單的通過死記硬背會拼寫就行了...