
時間 2021-06-12 22:39:50


詞根fer來自拉丁動詞ferre"to carry; to bring; to bear忍受",其同源詞根有lat

來自ferre的不規則變化動詞latum"to carry; to bring; to bear", 其同義詞根有ger/gest

, port

, from PIE root *bher-(1) "to carry"

defer[dfr] vi. 推遲;延期;服從 vt. 使推遲;使延期

: de(down)+fer(to bring) -> bring oneself under 將自己置於(別人想法之下) -> 接受; 聽從


deference [defrns] n. 順從;尊重

deferential [defrenl] dj. 恭敬的;慣於順從的



The words deference and defer both derive from the Latin deferre, which means "to bring down" or "to carry away." At the same time you might also hear that defer traces to the Latin differre, which means "to postpone" or "to differ." Which root is right?

Both. That's because English has two verbs, or homographs, spelled defer. One means "to submit or delegate to another" (as in "I defer to your greater expertise").

That's the one that is closely related to deference and that comes from deferre. The other means "to put off or delay" (as in "we decided to defer the decision until next month"); that second defer derives from differre.

再看Online Etymology Dictionary,這兩個不同的詞源,其詞根是一樣的:

ferre "to bear, carry," from PIE root *bher- (1) "to carry."


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