s t 為什麼是such that而不是so that的縮寫,依照語法似乎應該是so that啊?

時間 2021-06-06 18:05:42


such that表連詞,跟so一樣,而so that不是連詞。舉個例子,

Given three non-colinear points, there exists exactly one plane such that all three points are in the plane. 這裡的such that後邊是乙個完整的句子,所以不能用so that。


搜尋了半天,發現 such that 連用的情況似乎本身就不多見。在某論壇裡看到這樣一條解釋,I think that the subtleties of meaning here depend somewhat on the particuar sentence and context. However, I'd like to offer a couple of general comments.

so that focuses on a purpose.

such that focuses on a consequence.

The doctor changed Mary's medication so that she died. This sounds like the doctor wanted to kill her.

The doctor changed Mary's medication such that she died. This sounds like the doctor made a mistake.so that 強調目的,such that 強調結果。




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