填寫正確形式She found that her luggage leave on the bus?

時間 2021-06-01 11:26:08


用被動過去式,把行李落下這個動作已經發生了,而落下這個動作只是一瞬間並不是持續的。She found that her luggage was left on the bus. 如果想描述luggage的狀態可以用完成時,比如說,By the time she found out, her luggage had been on the bus for one hour.


This is correct: She found that her luggage was left on the bus.

As an off-topic side discussion, for some strange reasons there is no plural form of luggage in the dictionary.

That is, "luggages" is plain wrong.

However, if you want to express "luggage" in plural form, you can say "pieces of luggage".

For example, you can say "She found that (she left her three pieces of luggage on the bus/her three pieces of luggage were left on the bus)".


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