有recommend doing sth這個用法嗎?

時間 2021-06-01 08:23:28


Yes, 「recommend doing sth」 is a very common expression.

The word 「recommend」 is a Transitive Verb, and what follows a Transitive Verb is usually an Object—which in most instance is a Noun/Noun Phrase.

「Doing」 is a Gerund, which is a Verb form Noun, and 「doing sth」 is a Gerund Phrase, which is a Gerund with its Object (Note: As a Verb form Noun, a Gerund retains some of its Verb form characteristics which allow it to take on an Object.)

Sample sentences which follow this format are:

1. I recommend doing away with wearing school uniforms.

(「doing away with wearing school uniforms」 is Gerund Phrase, Object of 「recommend」)

2. The Health Minister recommended keeping social distance between people while the pandemic was still raging across the nation.

(「keeping social distance between people …」 is Gerund Phrase, Object of 「recommend」)


I would say so, for instance, 「 would you recommend hiring a private tutor?」

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