一見楊過誤終身 如何翻譯成英文?

時間 2021-05-06 09:31:59


Young is the most beautiful mistake of a lifetime.

楊-Young; 過-mistake;「the most beautiful mistake」正好對應中文的正話反說。


The young man had faulted(misled) your life since you first met him.


one look, entire lift fault.

或者 once you go Yang, you never go back~ 別算這個,這個惡搞的~~


when you meet a charming man who doesn't love you ,the feeling of heartbroken will last forever.

5樓:Zoe zhang

love at the first sight for yangguo with regret the whole life


直譯 yijian yangguo wu zhongshen

意譯 you never marry someone after see yangguo


All my remaining life is the tragical aftermath of the encounter with Yangguo.

To meet with Yangguo is my only, and only wrong destination.


She who meet Yonguor fall in love with him and then forever alone.


you're not Little Dragon girl OR you're not his aunt O(∩_∩)O


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