為什麼《生化危機》有兩個英文名?Biohazard和Resident evil

時間 2021-05-29 23:42:21


Why Was "Biohazard" Changed To "Resident Evil"?

Most of you are probably aware that, in Japan, the Resident Evil series is known as Biohazard. And if you're like me, most of you probably never stopped to wonder why.

See, my whole life, I just presumed it was "one of those things". That Biohazard was a kind of stupid name, and Capcom just felt like changing it. Never mind the fact that, when you separate it from its lore and familiarity, "Resident Evil" is an evenstupider name.

Turns out that this whole time there was a reason. If you already know this, great, but if not, Capcom's Chris Kramer explains:

In late 1994, Capcom Entertainment in the US was starting to ramp up marketing plans for the game that would eventually become known as Resident Evil in the US. Capcom Japan had let us know that the name of the game was going to be 『Biohazard' in Japan, but I pointed out to the person who ran marketing at the time that it would be next to impossible for Capcom to register the name in the US.

The winner of that competition was, of course, Resident Evil, being a pun on the fact the first game was set in a mansion. For the record, Kramer voted against it, saying the name was "super-cheesy".


Biohazard 在美國已經被一樂隊註冊了,所以改為了 Resident Evil.

在中國和香港玩家直接翻譯的 Biohazard 生化危機,台灣人翻譯自 RE 為惡靈古堡.

遊戲版本,日版當然為 BH,港日也為 BH,港英和台版為 RE



Resident evil,日本叫

Biohazard。本來卡婊開發的原意應該是Biohazard,但是引進到歐美的時候,有個叫Resident evil。這也是為什麼好萊塢的生化危機電影也是Resident evil。

你可以看看同一款生化遊戲的不同封面,日版就寫的 Biohazard,美版或者歐版就是Resident evil


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