
時間 2021-05-29 22:56:21


It was you they told me who was in trouble

I couldn't breathe on the other side of the world

And there was nothing I could do to help you

And it's true today would be your birthday

It would've been your 27th year

And I miss you in the earth's atmosphere

I wish you were here

I go back, back, back and every memory you're there

But the clock ticks over every minute we shared

On my knees begging for it not to be true

But it was you, it was you, it was you

It was you they told me who was in trouble

I couldn't breathe on the other side of the world

And there was nothing I could do to help you

And it's true today would be your birthday

It would've been your 27th year

And I miss you in the earth's atmosphere

I wish you were here

Instead of just in my dreams and in my imagination

Confusing me completely from another dimension

Can you see the beauty from a new beginning somewhere

Cause I feel like I won't repair with time

It was you, it was you, it was you

It was you they told me who was in trouble

I couldn't breathe on the other side of the world

And there was nothing I could do to help you

And it's true today would be your birthday

It would've been your 27th year

And I miss you in the earth's atmosphere

I wish you were here

I wish you were here



2017-01-05 補充









感覺林俊傑有好多。《Cries in a distance》:都『3,2,1, the scream from the guns』,而且死的還不止乙個,『Someone's dad or mom,sister, brother and son』...



有哪些流行歌曲和經典童話 小王子 有關?

開關i 王加一 麥田的風 以狐狸的視角寫的歌,聽著有種奇幻的 CORSAK HAMA陳緹 芽 glow 是以玫瑰視角寫的 這首好像是電音超好聽 然後別的回答裡都有了。 B 612行星 脫拉庫 走遍各星球穿越過宇宙再次尋找屬於我們停留的角落擁你在懷中不願你吹風 所有一切全都為了再見到你的笑容 曾經拋下...


Take naga 日本古風 和風 算嗎?和樂器樂團的 似鳥 吉原哀歌 鏡音雙子的 和樂千本櫻 四季折之羽 初音的 百年夜行 宵月舞唄 夢與葉櫻 朧月 七彩蝴蝶 Meiko的 番凩 黃泉櫻 巡音的 紅一葉 IA的 紅月 Garnidelia的 宵暗蝴蝶 GUMI的 東京不夜城 子樂 若相惜 東籬 江...


ycgyqmgao 有好幾個原因 1.當時圓谷公司正在拍攝 高斯奧特曼 但拍攝過程中,做為劇中男主角武藏的演員杉浦太陽涉嫌 打人 案件,被警察帶走做了調查,所以在沒有主角的情況下圓谷公司不得不停止拍攝 2.由於高斯的停拍,圓谷轉而拍攝一部全新的奧特曼 就是奈歐斯奧特曼,可以看出,奈歐斯奧特曼裡HEA...