HTC官宣 6月11日發布新機

時間 2021-12-27 09:21:02




SALES is an American guitar-based pop band from Orlando, Florida. The band』s members are Lauren Morgan and Jordan Shih.

In July 2014 the band was named 「Ones to Watch」 for the second half of 2014 by the HypeMachine for being one the most blogged artists yet to release a full LP.

The band is currently unsigned and their first 7" Single renee/tonka time was self-released on December 1, 2013 through the music platform Bandcamp.

Artwork for all of the band』s releases is done by collage artist and designer Alana Questell.

Morgan (guitar, vocals) and Shih (guitar, programming) formed the band in Orlando, Florida after the longtime friends had been recording music together on and off for several years. Their latest musical project, SALES, is based on vocal and instrumental improvisation as well as sampling.

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