
時間 2021-06-08 03:37:18


Logistic regression is used to predict the odds ratio with a dichotomous outcome (also called binary outcome) variable in a study, especially in case control study.

The outcome Y could be 0 or 1; there could be multiple predictors X like X1, X2, X3... Xp.

The logistic regression could be expressed by the following equation;

, or

is the odds of Y corresponding to different combinations of predictors.

is the log odds of Y corresponding to different combinations of predictors.

means the log odds of Y when all of the predictors = 0

, where j=1,2,3,....,p, gives the difference in log odds (different in log odds is equal to log odds ratio) for Y for a one unit increase in the predictor , holding all other predictors constant;

=odds ratio

For your information, Log-binomial (also called log-linear) regression is to calculate the risk ratio (also called relative risk or cumulative incidence ratio) with dichotomous outcome variable.

It is very easy to confuse logistic regression with log-binomial regression.

Hope it helps.

引用:Logistic regression, Logistic regression


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