
時間 2021-05-31 06:18:57


汙染主要是汽油車 ,CO2排量大對大氣層汙染但柴油車的問題在於細顆粒物排放比汽油車大4-5倍 ,對健康有危害所以歐美國家目前的政策是消滅柴油車然後把汽油車排放量降低(車廠只能出小排量了)

柴油車他們要禁不敢買,汽油車被要求小排量,比如賓士5萬歐的車 2.0T 的排量需要交1萬歐,傷不起,所以車廠都搞小排量,為了避免汙染稅他們開始賣電車或者半電車

問題在於以後二手電車都不保值,乙個是N年後技術和汽車結構會完全不一樣 (續航和電池結構)第二個是換一套電系統都極貴。 以後電池汙染問題又會被拿到臺面上講


Theexhaust fumes(廢氣)from gasoline vehicles contribute more to the production of a specific type of air pollution -- secondary organic aerosols (SOA) -- than those from diesel vehicles, according to a new study by scientists from the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) and other colleagues. "The surprising result we found was that it wasn't diesel engines that were contributing the most to the organic aerosols in LA," said CIRES research scientist Roya Bahreini, who led the study and also works at NOAA's ESRL. "This was contrary to what the scientific community expected.

"SOAs are tiny particles that are formed in air and make up typically 40 percent to 60 percent of the aerosol mass in urban environments. This is important because fine-particle pollution can cause human health effects, such as heart orrespiratory(呼吸的)problems.

Due to the harmful nature of these particles and the fact that they can also impact the climate and can reduce visibility, scientists want to understand how they form, Bahreini said. Researchers had already established that SOAs could be formed from gases released by gasoline engines, diesel engines, and natural sources -- biogenic agents from plants and trees -- but they had not determined which of these sources were the most important, she said. "We needed to do the study in a location where we could separate the contribution from vehicles from that of natural emissions from vegetation," Bahreini said.

Los Angeles proved to be an ideal location. Flanked by an ocean on one side and by mountains to the north and the east, it is, in terms of air circulation, relatively isolated, Bahreini said. At this location, the scientists made three weekday and three weekend flights with the NOAA P3 research aircraft, which hosted an arsenal of instruments designed to measure different aspects of air pollution.

"Each instrument tells a story about one piece of the puzzle," she said. "Where do the particles come from? How are they different from weekday to weekend, and are the sources of vehicle emissions different from weekday to weekend?

" she said.

From their measurements, the scientists were able to confirm, as expected, that diesel trucks were used less during weekends, while the use of gasoline vehicles remained nearly constant throughout the week. The team then expected that the weekend levels of SOAs would take a dive from their weekday levels, Bahreini said.


Kenny H 高檔的柴油車經歷少就說普通的柴油車。座標匈牙利,柴油車差不多佔6成,柴油經常還比汽油貴。柴油車主要就是怠速噪音大和抖,就是不如汽油機安靜。但是柴油機相比於同款車差不多馬力的汽油機相比更省油,而且扭矩更大,普遍1800 2200轉達到最大扭矩。我的歐寶insignia 就是國內別克Re...


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2019 年新能源汽車和汽油車哪個更值得入手?

喜樂呵 瀉藥 如果是你的第一輛車,不用問,油車!沒什麼好考慮的。如果在限牌城市另當別論,可能被逼上電動,畢竟鐵皮很稀缺。如果家裡有好幾台車,可以電動車玩玩。另外乙個要考慮的就是居住地在神馬地方,北方開電動在冬天會很悲催,電量下降的會特別快,開了空調就更慘了。長江以南的可以嘗試電動車這樣的新技術,舒適...