庭中有枇杷樹,吾妻死之年手植也,今已亭亭如蓋矣 應當如何翻譯成英文較好

時間 2021-06-04 21:40:03


I planed a tree with my wife years ago in our yard when my wife lived. Now it is stronger than before but my wife not


In memory of my wife, I planted this loquat tree in the back yard.

As years goes by, the tree is now in its prime.

3樓:ling yao

The loquat tree i planted in the yard has formed this canopy of a treetop. The tree triggers numerous memories of my wife because it was planted the year she left me for good.


In the courtyard there was the loquat my wife planted the year she died. It stood there with graceful poise, now its top spread out with exuberant foliage.


I killed my wife was buried in the garden under the loquat tree, the tree has grown up now, and no one was found.

如何評價 庭有枇杷樹,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如蓋矣。 這句話?

SHIORI 戀人 不請自來 每個人都有自己的理解,想側重說一下個人感受。首先是睹物思人吧,枇杷樹是在妻子過世那年親手栽種的,看到枇杷樹自然而然想到了妻子,枇杷樹已經成為了一種寄託。最觸動我的還是 亭亭如蓋 當年栽下的小樹已經是枝繁葉茂,勃勃生機,和枇杷樹比起來,妻子的屍骨卻早已化為一壞黃土,物是人...


繁弱忘歸 我想到了李銀河 王小波和大俠,無論是對王小波還是大俠,李銀河的愛情都是美好純粹的,我既被王李甜到落淚,也覺得李銀河和大俠很幸福,二者並不矛盾。 天空乙個洞 這裡貼乙個 紅樓夢 原文。芳官笑道 那裡是友誼?他竟是瘋傻的想頭,說他自己是小生,菂官是小旦,常做夫妻,雖說是假的,每日那些曲文排場,...


清涼 正是不知道是誰種的,才更能表達豐富的情感。他娓娓道來,讀者卻哭得稀里嘩啦。只是為了強調有樹,樹是那個時間種的,現在樹長大了。具體樹是誰種的,不會影響它的存在和現已長大的現實,也不會影響作者的感情或者讀者眼中作者的感情。這種非常平實的筆調,恰是一種高階的寫法。庭有枇杷樹,強調事物存在。吾妻死之年...