納什均衡與 subgame perfect equilibrium 的區別?

時間 2021-05-07 18:20:24


subgame equillibrium一定是納什均衡,反之不成立。SE的意思是策略在每乙個subgame中對於做出行動的玩家都是最優的選擇。既然是subgame,就相當於我們做出了乙個假設:

玩家的行動是有先後之分的。判斷SE的方法一般是畫樹狀圖,然後用backward induction去推推看,之後就會發現其它的納什均衡實際上是不可信的,因為它們或許根本不會發生。



Suppose there is an incumbent firm, I, and a potential entrant, E. The potential entrant first decides whether or not to enter the market and its entry or not entry is observed by

the incumbent.

In the last stage of this game the incumbent decides whether to fight entry (e.g. engage in an aggressive pricing strategy) or to accommodate entry.

Each firm therefore has two strategies:

E: enter/stay out

I : fight/accommodate if entry occurs

The payoffs are as follows:

When E stays out: I= 2, E = 0.

When E enters and I fights: I = 1 and E = 1.

When E enters and I accommodates: I = 1 and E = 1.

Two pairs of strategies are Nash equilibria: and

One of these equlibria, namely is somewhat strange.

It is clearly a NE for this game, but it is based on an empty (or non-credible) threat: the incumbent will never choose to fight once the potential entrant has entered the market.

Therefore, it is not very likely that the potential entrant will stay out of the market.

To rule out equilibria based on empty threats we need a stronger equilibrium concept for sequential games: subgame-perfect equilibrium.

In this case,one of the Nash equilibriums is not subgame-perfect equilibrium.

3樓:Richard Xu

在拓展式博弈(extensive form)中,NE和SPE的區別在於威脅是否可信。




- A選擇競爭(0,0)

- A選擇默許(1,2)




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