c 類的建構函式初始化問題??

時間 2021-06-26 05:53:24


"If you don』t specify any constructors, the compiler will write one for you that doesn』t take any arguments. This compiler-generated default constructor calls the default constructor on all object members of the class, but does not initialize the language primitives such as int and double. Nonetheless, it allows you to create objects of that class.

However,if you declare a default constructor, or any other constructor, the compiler no longer generates a default constructorfor you."

-- from Professional C++, Second Edition

You declare a constructor:

kk(int id)

Sothere's no default constructor for initializing:

kk p; // This tries to invoke the 0-argument default constructor.

But you can write:

kk p(5);

"Aconstructor with defaults for all its parameters can function as a default constructor. That is, you can construct an object of that class without specifying any arguments. If you try to declare both a default constructor and a multi-argument constructor with defaults for all its parameters, the compiler will complain because it won』t know which constructor to call if you don』t specify any arguments.

"-- from Professional C++, Second Edition

So the 2nd one works.

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