
時間 2021-06-18 01:17:26





Checks Performed

Inconsistencies corrected include the following:

1. Inode and inode blockmap (addressing) checks: bad magic number in inode, bad magic numbers in inode blockmap blocks, extents out of order, incorrect number of records ininode blockmap blocks, blocks claimed that are not in a legal data area of the filesystem, blocks that are claimed by more than one inode.

3. Size checks: number of blocks claimed by inode inconsistent with inode size, directory size not block aligned, inode size not consistent with inode format.

5. Pathname checks: files or directories not referenced by a pathname starting from the filesystem root, illegal pathname components.

6. Link count checks: link counts that do not agree with the number of directory references to the inode.

8. Super Block checks: total free block and/or free i-node count incorrect, filesystem geometry inconsistent, secondary and primary superblocks contradictory.

Orphaned files and directories (allocated, in-use but unreferenced) are reconnected by placing them in the lost+found directory. The name assigned is the inode number.




paid大星 有個挺好玩的事情就是,部分資料庫系統可以存檔案,檔案管理系統其實也是一種作業系統,作業系統包含檔案系統,而資料庫系統必須構建在作業系統之上。學過資料恢復的都明白檔案系統其實是以目錄索引的形式實現對磁碟或儲存器的訪問和訪問,而對使用者的介面必須通過作業系統提供的介面框架實現。作業系統除了...

檔案系統設計中的 Sectorsize有什麼用?

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NTFS 是目前最先進的檔案系統嗎?

zhxw ntfs都存在了好多年了。ms的東西,一切為了相容性,先進性就不好弄了。關於路徑,使用Unicode版本的API,加 字首,就可以使用32,767個寬字元長度的路徑。 北極 先說一下之前回答有幾個不專業的地方 很多人把檔案系統本身和檔案系統實現混為一談 1 大部分檔案系統驅動都把星號 當做...