
時間 2021-06-04 00:11:45


CIA = x 100

In the above equations the major oxides are expressed in molar propotions and CaO* is the content of CaO incorporated in silicate fraction. McLennan (1993) proposed an indirect method for quantifying CaO content of silicate fraction assuming reasonable values of Ca/Na ratios of silicate material. Procedure for quantification of CaO content (CaO*) of silicate fraction involves subtraction of molar proportion of P2O5 from the molar proportion of total CaO.

After subtraction, if the 「remaining number of moles」 is found to be less than the molar proportion of Na2O, then the 「remaining number of moles」 is considered as the molar proportion of CaO of silicate fraction. If the 「remaining number of moles」 is greater than the molar proportion of Na2O, then the molar proportion of Na2O is considered as the molar proportion of CaO of silicate fraction (CaO*).



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C 語言中 extern 變數和 global 變數有什麼區別?

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在C語言中 int a 10 指數組有10個元素,a 9 表示第十個元素,那a 10 去哪了呢求教

如果是這麼寫 int 10 a 表示有一變數a有10個int,然後記住取a中元素時是從0開始就行了,a 0 a 9 你的困惑是為什麼寫的時候出現了a 10 這個東西,用的時候沒有。這是C的設計問題,本來正確設計方式應該開頭那種,自始至終就沒有a 10 類似的坑還有指標的宣告方式 int p和int ...