怎樣區分never to do和never do?

時間 2021-11-02 21:30:08


"never to do" differes the "never do" in grammar function of these two phrases. And it's the same as analyzing the difference between "to do" and "do". "to do" function as a noun and "do" is just a verb then.

For example, To do my homework is a part of my daily schedule; I will do my homework every day. And you can add never to it if you can figure out the meaning of the sentence. Hope it helps.

God bless you!


乙個是不定式(to do),乙個是動詞原形(do),加了never 句法功能不變。Never To do 除了謂語,其他成分都可以,如,Never to do homework is my dream. 做主語

Never do做謂語,He never do homework.

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