
時間 2021-10-20 15:44:23




Try to speak out loud, and whatever it is.

I am also in my first year in college. For me,I』ve been stopping to use English for almost a year.During this amount of time, I』ve learned Japanese to the state of N1,German from starting and even a little French.

I』m spelling words very hard right now cause it』s to similar to German, I may make any Wort incorrect like this. However, if there is a chance then do not lose it. It is much easier for me to answer you in Mandarin.

So, do not be afraid of anything and write, and speak. Your mistakes will eventually establish your farther confident. For a language learner, you fell that you can so you can.

Just like you own the ability to read French and understand such a lot of something well you don』t, only because you』d give up in the first second as you recognize that it is French.


嬉笑 個人覺得會英文已經不算什麼了。z歐洲的學生隨便開口就是會2,3門外語 我d是英文專業,學校要求是大3才有機會開始學習二外。我則是剛大一就和大三的開始學二外,日語。到w同屆的開始學的時候,我已經學了2年日語,還可以再學法語。畢業就是3外了。個人動機喜歡而已。不是為了應試等。當然,我非常同意,中文...


沒系統地學習俄語,只是學了字母,平時喜歡看俄語電影 聽蘇聯歌曲罷了。一天夢裡,我用俄語和一名蘇聯軍官無障礙交流。明明現實中我只認識這些詞,再加上一句 夢見過一次。和乙個黑人朋友 現實中我不認識任何黑人 在美國的一條街上和紅脖子槍戰。我用著蹩腳的英語和黑人朋友對話,盡可能避免讓其發現我口音不對勁。 長...


Sylvie 1.單學習的角度,很多211 985綜合類大學的外語專業也不差,甚至一些傳統工科強校,外語專業的出路也都不錯的。而且語言學習主要還是師傅領進門,修行在個人的。另外,如果有出國讀研的打算,985 211的牌子也還是挺重要的。據我所知一些法國的商校會考慮大學排名。這一點上來講,外語大學確實...