
時間 2021-06-02 21:34:38





Can you see the gorgeous sunset on the horizon?

Yet it's so ephemeral.

Crimson as it burns,

Yaws down into the skyline.

Come closer.

Yonder should you look.

Cunning are the stars hanging in the sky,

Yelling to be seen.

Caliginous as it shines,Yielding to the sun it』s not.

Come to me.

You need to see.

Consciously I knew my affections,Yours I can』t foresee.

Contemptible it may seem,Yipes my heart without your love.

請問大神們我不會彈鋼琴,可以用logic pro x 編曲嗎?可以的話,怎麼弄?

魚記 學編曲你除非搞電音總歸是要會點鍵盤的你鍵盤也去學學 logic 我用logic 鋼琴捲簾滑鼠基本不怎麼用的 Cubase我也用不過Cubase總歸要點鍵盤基礎我推薦你還是老老實實用fl 順便學學鍵盤 CH電音社 編曲不用會彈鋼琴但起碼需要懂點基本樂理甚至有些hiphop beat製作者基本樂理...


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問 高中英語作文中可以用幾個法語單詞嗎,顯得比較有逼格,如point改成r sum ?

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