
時間 2021-05-06 03:19:53


It is an interesting question. I am not an expert on the topic but I am interested in EU politics. So I did a small research (meaning, Googling and quick reading).

It seems that Austria's Declaration of Neutrality is on the military side - "in all future times Austria will not join any military alliances and will not permit the establishment of any foreign military bases on her territory." European Union started as an economy project (note that EU was theEuropean Economic Community- EEC - before 1993) and then extended to a political union. The security of the Union is guaranteed by US and NATO.

Austria is not a member of NATO, as other folks suggested.

Because the people don't want. They had a referendum and the Swiss voted NO. However, they chose to join the common market, enjoying and suffering at the same time.

瑞典 瑞士這樣的永久中立國為什麼可以在戰爭中保持中立?

結合中國為什麼不能成為中立國的回答。1.小,不會對他人造成威脅 2.沒有侵略的野心 3.自身足夠強大 4.為了保持中立的態度,適當的時候靈活變通,以換取中立的態度 跟49年我們不收回香港的原因差不多,需要乙個視窗,比如洗錢 兌換貨幣 採購某些被禁運的東西,戰爭狀態下大家還可以在中立國交流。還有乙個原...


特別特別不開心 軍事上弱啊。看點拿破崙戰爭的歷史,法國跟奧地利 普魯士交戰的時候都是在巴伐利亞的土地上踩來踩去的。拿破崙第一次退位那年,在萊比錫戰敗的時候巴伐利亞將軍反水,帶了4萬人去狙擊他的退路。結果拿破崙看了一眼巴伐利亞軍陣,來了句 我能讓他當將軍,但沒法讓他學會打仗。然後輕輕一衝,巴軍潰逃,損...


北方死宅 因為奧匈帝國是奧地利與匈牙利抱團取暖的產物。奧匈帝國內部並非大一統,民族成分複雜,語言都有很多種,奧地利議會和匈牙利議會經常不對付。 凌木 舉個不大恰當的例子 奧匈帝國某種意義上就是個中歐版大東亞共榮圈。匈牙利主要義務是提供農產品和原加工料。分開了自然混的沒那麼好。而且匈牙利的大躍進類似時...