
時間 2021-05-30 09:57:40

1樓:Shaun Li

個人認為,在英中國人的perception裡面,有可能覺得Chinese food相對於western food/european food來說更exotic。而在exotic food裡面,Chinese food又是相對好吃和被接受的。

如果說我聽英國朋友說 I like Chinese food, especially dim sum是比較常見的情況的話,我好像不記得聽英國朋友說過 I like middle easten food, especially kebab...




2樓:Anna Holmvik

There are many Chinese restaurants in the UK, however not really as Indian restaurants (because there are more many Indian immigrants than Chinese).

British food is rather plain,so not very spicy,so when they go to 「exotic」restaurants,the food has to be accustomed ,it is cooked less spicy than in China.

I think that especially students eat Chinese food in British, because many times they don』t know how to cook, so it is easy to order Chinese food. For example, during exams, me and my friends, and many others, would order Chinese food to the library because it is fast, filling and tasty.

But coming to China , the Chinese food is so different! It is much more spicy, and the meals are different than what we are offered at home. So it takes some getting werd to because in reality it is much more different than what I thought before I coming here.


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