怎麼唱好shape of you ?

時間 2021-05-11 17:32:06





the club isnthe besplace to findalover so the baris whe rel=ra go,

me an my friends as table doing shots drinking fas'an we tal slow,

comover an start a conversation wejusme an trusme I give a chance now,

taymy han, stop, pu van the ma non the jubox an then we starto dance, an now I singing li,

Girl you know I want qiu love, you lovers handmay for somebody li me,

come on now, follow my lea, I maybe crazy, don my me, say boy, lets no taltoo much, grabon my waisand pu da body on me,

[com'now, follow myly], con-[com'now, follow myly], em.em.em.

I mean lawith the shapof you, pu shan pull lika magna to, although my hardis falling too, i mean lawith you body,

lasnigh jiuwo in my room, annow my besheetsmall like you, evidaydy scover'ing someingbran new,

I mean lawith you body, [ohi~ohi~ohi~ohi~], I mean lawith you body, [ohi~ohi~ohi~ohi~],

,I mean lawith you body, [ohi~ohi~ohi~ohi~] ,I mean lawith you body, evidaydy scover'ing someingbran new,

I mean lawith the shapof you,

one wee'kin we lethe story begin we're going ou o nour firsdat,

you and me are thrifty so go all you can ea, filup you bagan i fillup a play,

we talfor hours nours about the swee the sour an how your familyis doin okay,

an levand getin a taxi, we kissin the backseat, tell the driver ma the radio play,

an I'm singing like Girl you know i want qiu love, you lovers handmay for somebody lie me,

[com'now, follow myly], I maybe crazy, don my me, say boy, lets no taltoo much, grabon my waisand pu da body on me,

[com'now, follow myly], con-[com'now, follow myly], em.em.em.

I mean lawith the shapof you, pu shan pull lika magna to,

although my hardis falling too, i mean lawith you body,

lasnigh jiuwo in my room, annow my besheetsmall like you,

evidaydy scover'ing someingbran new,

I mean lawith you body, [ohi~ohi~ohi~ohi~],I mean lawith you body, [ohi~ohi~ohi~ohi~],

I mean lawith you body, [ohi~ohi~ohi~ohi~], I mean lawith you body, evidaydy scover'ing someingbran new,

I mean lawith the shapof you, [comon be my baby? comon.]*8

I mean lawith the shapof you, pu shan pull lika magna do,

although my hardis falling too, i mean lawith you body,

lasnigh jiuwo in my room, annow my besheetsmall like you, evidaydy scover'ing someingbran new,

I mean lawith you body, [comon be my baby? comon.]*2 I mean lawith you body, [comon be my baby?


I mean lawith you body, [comon be my baby? comon.]*2 evidaydy scover'ing someingbran new,

I mean lawith you body, I mean lawith the shapof you!



紅線框是一口氣要唱的,氣要足呀, 紅色下劃線是乙個轉折。



【Jamie Miller】鮮肉翻唱黃老闆Shape of You2017英國好聲音_嗶哩嗶哩 (゜-゜)つロ 乾杯~-bilibili






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