steam下的遊戲,點開始就顯示安裝Microsoft vc redist package 之後閃退?

時間 2021-10-17 10:00:11


Start windows in safe mode with networking.

Activate Windows Installer service in safe mode.Type 「cmd」 in your 「search all programs and files」Right click on the 「cmd」 program, and select 「Run as Administrator」Type the following in the command prompt: REG ADD 「HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\MSIServer」 /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D 「Service」

Open your 「Run」 dialog and then start the Windows Installer service by typing : net start msiserver

Right click the downloaded Microsoft VC package and run as administrator.

Install the package.

Restart back to normal Windows and it could solve your problem.


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