
時間 2021-05-14 15:14:25


"This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it.

In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd.

But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching! You probably won't, at first, find anything particularly odd or unusual or in any way dissimilar to any ordinary composition.

That is not at all surprising, for it is no strain to accomplish in so short a paragraph a stunt similar to that which an author did throughout all of his book, without spoiling a good writing job, and it was no small book at that. By studying this paragraph assiduously, you will shortly, I trust, know what is its distinguishing oddity. Upon locating that "mark of distinction," you will probably doubt my story of this author and his book of similar unusuality throughout.

It is commonly known among book-conscious folk and proof of it is still around. If you must know, this sort of writing is known as a lipogram, but don't look up that word in any dictionary until you find out what this is all about."

來自 Write A Paragraph Without The Letter "E"


張海 說幾個離我們生活中的職業,不能說哪個職業永遠沒法替代,但是在很長時間沒法替代的。第乙個 育兒嫂,是典型的 社交屬性 的職業 她們的工作不僅僅包括日常的洗衣做飯,還有更重要的是要與嬰兒進行交流,甚至幫助孩子進行一些早教 在動作技能 智力開發和人格發展方面進行早期訓練,人都是交流型的,有老師的屬性...


郭大爺就是你大爺 別學了,有沒有想過自己不適合學習呢,要不找找別的出路吧。別總想著聽別人的鼓勵,鼓勵有個屁用,你喝雞湯也就是短暫的發憤圖強 小黑 開學就好了。這是實話,你在學校都不一定能好好學習,更何況在家呢。我不知道大學的做法能不能拿來和高中比,反正大學老師告訴我們,沒事不要呆著宿舍,在你潛意識裡...


法護你 這是非常有可能的,因為社會對學歷的要求越來越高,你們說學歷的含金量是否也能得到同時的提公升了?我不贊同,因為,很多同學跟我說,他們研究生課程其實早就應該在本科裡面學會了,但是由於本科老師,不願意教,或水平太低。不願意交,指的是不願意介紹外面的寫的好的教材給學生,為了拍校長的馬屁,用校長的教材...