
時間 2021-06-03 00:44:23


As an added syntactical bonus when initializing an array, you can write the following:

String names = ;

Notice that on the right of the assignment operator (=), only the array initializer expression is given

with no new, no type, and no s. This syntax is nice, but unfortunately, the C# compiler does not allow

you to use implicitly typed local variables with this syntax:

// This is a local variable now (error)

var names = ;

If you try to compile the line of code above, the compiler issues two messages: "error CS0820:

Cannot initialize an implicitly-typed local variable with an array initializer" and

"error CS0622: Can only use array initializer expressions to assign to array types.

Try using a new expression instead." While the compiler could make this work, the C# team thought that the compiler would be doing too much for you here. It would be inferring the type of the array, new』ing the array, initializing the array, and inferring the type of the local variable, too.

出自CLR via C# 根據這段話,好象是C#團隊覺得這樣寫的話,編譯器做的事情太多了

這三種初始化列表器 初始化器列表 傻傻的分不清楚怎麼辦

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