
時間 2021-11-06 16:06:57


The idea is good! But for me, not now. As Failure Bo's newest column article Ten Steps of Learning English Well said, I think I should follow the step 1 to buy a Bobing English Grammar for my poor English.

I also keep on reading some English articles recently. So I reckon that we will develop Failure Science(AKA Bo Science) at the English word someday.

Failing people of all countries,united!


I will only use English in Zhihu to discuss the invention of the global synchronized suicide machine!!


I think I speak a very poor English.

But anyway, I dare to say.

That's important.


We know you speak very poor English and you dare to say, but that is not important


i do not think zhihu is a good place to improve our english. A better way to improve ourselves may be keeping away from this website.

學霸 和 學渣 用英語怎麼說?

學神 genius intellect geek學霸 studiaholic wonk high achiever 學渣 underachiever 學弱 retard 我在正規的academic writing中習慣用high achiever和underachiever 學霸 curve wre...




Dodo Feng 朋友花了2w人民幣還特意從北京飛到廣州參加她的課程,我搜知乎這個名字的時候看到了這個問題。別的不說,我覺得用英文提問沒有什麼問題,畢竟你的本意和言語沒有冒犯任何人的話,用英語提問難道不是你的權利嗎?翻譯又不是單向的。這麼一看反而覺得 老師 不夠老師呢。 我是你的天鵝肉嗎 每個人都...