
時間 2021-09-21 00:48:36


1/6UNIT 1 Access to success1-2 Sharing

Practice 1


The people in the podcast mainly talk about how they feel about trying new things and what stops them from trying new things. They also talk about the achievements they've made in their life and the people they admire.

Practice 2

1. bungee jumping

2. cup of tea

3. feel good

4. achievement Practice 3 C DEBPractice 4AAA

in A

Practice 5BCB

C to b

Practice 6

1. started off

2. a huge business empire.

3. teacher

4. taught me so much about life5. imprisoned

6. survived

7. impressed

8. ability or the skills 1-3 Listening

有人知道大學英語一 unit8 taxtA的作者Benjamin Stein 班傑明斯坦)是誰嗎?

瀉藥。全新版大學英語教材上對作者的描述是 This text is taken from Business Monthly January 1990 Its author is a lawyer,economist,writer and actor in Los Angeles.名頭還挺多的。按照這...


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