請問哥大sps 紐大sps學院碩士專案的學位證書和其他專業有何差異?

時間 2021-06-06 04:04:08


Both Columbia and NYU SPS share very similar quality. that is they are both very young schools and are still going through many changes. They originated from Columbia extension and used to be designed for working professionals who are seeking for degree/certificates for their career promotion purpose.

The faculty are among the top in their fields, and are generally industry professionals and not career academics. The degree certificates will say Columbia/NYU, but just like all schools that make up Columbia and NYU campus, it will also note 'SPS' in your diploma which will let your potential employer know that you attended SPS. As these are new schools/programs, they are looking for sustainable funding (the tuition is unproportional higher than the quality of the education you can get here), therefore the high acceptance rate.

If you are looking to get the Columbia Degree and learn from some of the best practitioners in the field (depending on your program) this is the MS for you. If you looking for the best exit opportunities (being recognized among top employers), then look elsewhere. The MS program at SPS is most valuable for people with professional experience looking to grow their skills, learning from one of the best higher education institution in the world.

2樓:WeTalentGo nat



樓主不用擔心,完完全全正規的學院,而且他們的career service做的不錯,很用心,每個禮拜都要上proseminar,很多企業會在proseminar上直接招人,都是免費不用交錢的哦


哥大所有專業的畢業證都只寫Master of Science或者 Master of Arts。無論你是牛如MSFE還是水如SPS,一視同仁,到手的畢業證都是M.S。



這也是為什麼哥大sps保錄會比NYU 貴一點的原因之一了。

GPA2 93申請哥大或者NYU的SPS可能性大嗎?

Carlota 學校不錯,BUT,SPS是繼續教育的定位,還是比較水的。美本的小夥伴們只需要gpa高一點,完全不需要任何gmat和gre托福雅思就能申請到,說的是nyu和哥大的這種專案,很多富二代或者確定要回國的人去上,jhu根本就沒人申請,也是這種型別的專案,但是更水而且地理位置不行。 Saman...

哥大運籌or還是紐大tandon mfe?

Blake 錦妙 其實會產生這個困惑的原因,就是哥大 NYU但是OR MFE的這個矛盾嘛 如果未來回國 會有短期哥大brand name超過NYU的現象,但是一句話點破專案內涵一秒破功。畢竟是上學,對個人能力的提公升還是要考慮在內的,MFE的專案還是會更硬核一些。重點來了,如何balance掉NYU...

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