
時間 2021-05-30 12:22:42


I think there is a big problem with your mother's attitude. No matter who we meet, we should first communicate with others in a friendly manner, because this is a traditional virtue. When we raise our children, we should not only meet their material standards, but also their spiritual needs.

If a person commits a crime because of the distortion of his personality, no matter how good his exam results are, his future life will be greatly affected.

I hope you can communicate with your mother well, tell her that she should accumulate virtue and do good deeds, let her know that abusing people willfully will damnify many people's spirits and eventually harm herself, and tell her to decide not to neglect the education of law, morality, etiquette, etc. for her children.

In a word, I feel a little terrible because according to the existing system now, being a parent doesn't need to take this kind of tests.




被使絆子的次數最多是剛參加工作,因為在基層,又是新人,莫名其妙也要被踩幾腳,那時候挺憤懣不平的,也想過是不是要有心計一點報復回去,不過很快我就提拔調離了基層。現在再遇見以前的老同事都對我挺尊敬。其次被黑比較多是現在,因為到了一定的瓶頸,往上的資源越來越少,同事之間競爭就激烈起來了 我總結自己工作20...


小樓聽夜雨 1.沒有人真的懂你,自己的苦只有自己知道。2.不要把自己的苦說給別人聽,大部分都是為了看笑話 3.只有自己的父母的愛是真心實意的 唐馬儒 2 越是好看,家庭條件好,高學歷的女生越專情,這些女生過了25歲後基本都心有所屬了,即使沒在一起,分開了,仍會念念不忘好久,一有機會就有可能復合那種。...


alice 活了這麼多年,我發現自己和親媽長的越來越像,生活軌跡也越發類似了。我想我的媽媽最需要的是我的陪伴,離家在外求學工作十幾年了,每年兩次回家,而且時間有限。這應該是在外工作的多數情況吧!有時想起來這個,心裡還是比較難受,想著媽媽已經老去,不能照顧媽媽,不能做貼心小棉襖,陪媽媽聊聊天。而且重要...