MATLAB雙精度中,determinant要多低才算close to degenerate

時間 2021-06-09 19:18:07


Generally speaking, a condition number nearly 1 should be good-conditioned,

anddetermine the condition number of the coefficient matrix (the matrix on the left side of the backslash (\) or on the right side of the forward slash (/) using the COND function. Large results for the condition number indicate the matrix is extremely ill-conditioned.

Testing singularity using abs(det(X)) <= tolerance is not recommended as it is difficult to choose the correct tolerance. The functioncond(X) can check for singular and nearly singular matrices.

Values of cond(X) and cond(X,p) near 1 indicate a well-conditioned matrix.


Matrix determinant

Condition number with respect to inversion

Why do I get warning message 'Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. ' ?

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