
時間 2021-06-01 09:25:17


In my last two years of college, I lived in a house with my classmates, and as you can imagine, we needed a ton of household supplies. In the kitchen, where we made communal vegan dinners every night, we constantly had to restock on cleaning supplies, cooking and eating ware. During winters, in order to study for exams or kick back with friends, we had to purchase portable heaters.

And you can imagine what our bathrooms were like.

As a study abroad student, you should be jumping at opportunities to talk to local residents. An organic place to meet people and learn about new culture through food and homemade goods, the flea market near where I lived is a perfect example of one of those opportunities.

2樓:He Hedy



蕎蕎她爹 首先題主已經有房子,如果家電都已經有了的話,家具就買最簡單的就可以了,只需要床,簡單的沙發,桌子,椅子 我覺得如果家電什麼的都沒有,可以跟家人商量,先租房子也是可以的嘛 四小月 我家就是買完房後沒錢買家具了。當時是沒兩個月攢幾千塊就買點家具。我的意見是寧缺毋濫,因為哪怕你將就買了一些能用但...


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