
時間 2021-06-02 19:51:52


英文維基百科上是這麼說的:「亞西爾」(Yasser)這個名字是阿拉法特20世紀50年代自己給自己取的(他把原名幾乎全部捨棄,只保留了祖父名「阿拉法特」)。阿拉法特在打游擊時還用過乙個化名叫阿布·阿馬爾(Abu Ammar)。

「亞西爾」和「阿布·阿馬爾」都來自「阿馬爾·伊本·亞西爾」(Ammar ibn Yasir)。阿馬爾是伊斯蘭教先知穆罕默德最著名的夥伴之一,他生於570年,在伊斯蘭教創立之前就已經是穆罕默德的朋友,並且還是默罕默德與海迪徹婚姻的撮合人,最終在隋芬之戰(657年)中被穆阿維葉的追隨者伊本·哈瓦·艾斯卡和阿布·阿迪葉所殺。(這位在敘利亞的墓2023年被「伊斯蘭國」組織毀掉了)。

原文:Arafat's full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa. Mohammed Abdel Rahman was his first name, Abdel Raouf was his father's name and Arafat his grandfather's.

Al-Qudwa was the name of his tribe and al-Husseini was that of the clan to which the al-Qudwas belonged. al-Husseini was based in Gaza and should not be confused with the well-known, but unrelated, al-Husayni clan of Jerusalem.

Since Arafat was raised in Cairo, the tradition of dropping the Mohammed or Ahmad portion of one's first name was common; notable Egyptians such as Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak did so. However, Arafat also dropped Abdel Rahman and Abdel Raouf from his name as well. During the early 1950s, Arafat adopted the name Yasser, and in the early years of Arafat's guerrilla career, he assumed the nom de guerre of Abu Ammar.

Both names are related to Ammar ibn Yasir, one of Muhammad's early companions. Although he dropped most of his inherited names, he retained Arafat due to its significance in Islam.


成都少女的夢 頂上戰爭時期,四皇之一,白鬍子 愛德華紐蓋特,率領所有部下攻打海軍總部所在地馬林梵多,海軍三大將之一黃猿想借助速度優勢擒賊先擒王,結果被一道藍色光芒擋住了去路,即便拿出絕技八尺瓊勾玉也無濟於事,無奈之下只能開始報幕 白鬍子一番隊隊長,不死鳥馬爾科。 Jon不是John 最DIAO的是女...

貂蟬需要出魔女 不死鳥 面具 日暮之流嗎?

星河.PW 不一定,貂蟬出裝太靈活了,不僅看你打法還看你銘文還有陣容和隊友配合。情況太多了,先說幾種 如果你是半肉貂蟬,隊友沒有像奶媽那樣續航的而且隊友都不是很肉,再加上對面法師強勢且針對你,特別像王昭君那種不好躲的,可以出。像婉兒那種輝月就OK 但事實上你出全法加吸血完全OK,至於那個日暮,我真沒...


已登出 鳳凰跟不死鳥應該是同一類生物,可能是東西方的叫法不同,其有乙個共同的特點 浴火重生。而朱雀,在中國的神話故事中屬於天地四靈,即青龍 白虎 朱雀 玄武。在八卦中於離位,五行為火。還有古籍資料認為鳳凰是朱雀所生,我們可大致用龍生九子各盡不同來看待鳳凰與朱雀的關係和區別。 叔敖 朱雀不死鳥算是鳳凰...