
時間 2021-06-21 18:21:46


Abraham instructs his servant: Put your hand under my thigh, a prelude to the servant』s act of swearing. thigh is undoubtedly a euphemism for genitalia, in the light of passages such as Gen.

46:26 and Exod. 1:

5, where a man』s children are said to come from his thigh. Holding Abraham』s membrum in his hand, the servant promises to carry out Abraham』s wishes. The signficance of this procedure is uncertain.

It is unlikely that this act should be read as a self-imprecation by the servant, calling down sterility on himself or extirpation for his children. R. D.

Freedman has suggested that taking the membrum—now circumcised as a covenant sign—into the hand is a way of invoking the presence of God at this moment between master and servant. Or it may simply be a way in which the servant reassures Abraham that he will honestly and truthfully carry out his master』s wish.

One may discover some clue as to the significance of this act by comparing the only two episodes in the OT that connect oath taking with placing the hand under another』s thigh: Gen. 24:

2 and 47:29. In both cases the one who asks another to place his hand under his thigh is elderly.

Abraham is 「old, along in years」 (24:1), and Jacob/Israel is on his deathbed (49:29); therefore neither Abraham nor Jacob can guarantee that their wishes will be faithfully carried out.

The other individual, the one who places his hand on the thigh, is well known to the person requesting the oath (a servant, a son, respectively). In both cases the real concern of Abraham and Jacob is with family matters. Abraham desires the right woman for his son, and Jacob wishes to be buried with his ancestors.

Finally, both stories involve a 「not-here-but-there」 geography (a wife not from Canaan but from Aram-Naharaim (Mesopotamia); buried not in Egypt but in Canaan). In touching the genitalia of Abraham and Jacob, the servant and Joseph are placing themselves under oath faithfully to expedite the last wishes of two elderly patriarchs on family matters. Any attempt to void those wishes will arouse the wrath of the ancestral spirits.

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