如何理解美劇《億萬》(Billions)中的台詞 I am not uncertain ?

時間 2021-06-03 11:42:03


*「I am not uncertain.」

There』s a scene where Bobby is at his son』s basketball game. A place where it would be impossible for him to be overheard by any investigators.

Two traders come to visit him. One wants to buy a stock, the other wants to short the same stock.

Bobby asked one of them how certain he is. Then we see a flashback of the guy paying for information. He, of course, does not say that to Bobby.

He simply says, 「I am not uncertain.」 Bobby then says, 「this meeting is over,」 implying that the trade is to go with the guy who says he is not uncertain.

Why did he use the double negative: Why didn』t he just say he was 「certain.」

Well, remember that the essence of the law is that there is some risk. 「Certain」 means 「no risk.」 While 「not uncertain」 technically means 「certain,」 does it really?

It』s a bit confusing. It』s somehow not as sure as 「certain.」 It implies there is still a tiny amount of risk.

Bobby ends the conversation right there because he still knows none of the details. He still can say he was taking a risk.

This is not spelled out in the show but is the reason for all this language and the reason that Bobby did not press further on the details when the sentence was worded that way. But he knew. The trade was done.

Again, kudos to the writers for catching that subtlety in how language can be used to subvert the technicalities of the law.

大概是兩個原因:1、not uncertain 說明還是有一定風險的,並不是萬無一失的;2、這個說法可以規避法律上的一些問題。

原文在這裡:『Billions』 Is the First Show that Gets Wall Street Right

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