Wake Me Up When September Ends 這首歌講述了什麼?

時間 2021-05-31 16:26:41



後來,仔細聽了聽歌詞,when september ends或許有一些implicit meaning. 另外歌詞裡面的here comes the rain again falling from the stars. 很容易讓人聯想到美國的國旗stars and stripes.

百科了一下,wake me up when september是個歌手童年有關。

為什麼是「Wake Me Up When September Ends」

「Wake Me Up When September Ends" .

The song deals with the death of lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong's father, who died in September 1982 when Armstrong was a child. Billie Joe Armstrong was 10 years old when his father died of throat cancer. At the funeral Billie Joe Armstrong couldn't handle it, so he ran home and locked himself in his room.

His mother, worried, ran after him, only to find the door locked. She asked him to come out, but he only said, "Wake me up when September ends."




有種「鴉片戰爭一聲炮響驚醒了沉睡的中中國人」 的相似感。

「the lost in the 911 makes american wake up and no longer inocent」



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