是不是世界各地的嬰兒管父母都是叫 「爸爸」 「媽媽」的?

時間 2021-05-29 23:58:07




Aama, Mata used in Nepal

Mom and mommy are used in the United States, Canada, South Africa, India and parts of the West Midlands including Birmingham in the United Kingdom.

Inay, Nanay, Mama, Ma , Mom, Mommy are used in the Philippines

Mum and mummy are used in the United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and Ireland. Charles, Prince of Wales publicly addressed his mother Queen Elizabeth II as "Mummy" on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee.[45]

Ma, mam, and mammy are used in Netherlands, Ireland, the Northern areas of the United Kingdom, and Wales; it is also used in some areas of the United States.

Maa, aai, amma, and mata are used in languages of India like Assamese, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu etc.

Mamá, mama, ma, and mami in Spanish

Mama in Polish, German, Russian and Slovak

Māma (媽媽/媽媽) in Chinese

Máma in Czech and in Ukrainian

Maman in French and Persian

Ma, mama in Indonesian

Mamaí, mam in Irish

Mamma in Italian, Icelandic, Latvian and Swedish

Māman or mādar in Persian

Mame or me in Portuguese

Mā () in Punjabi

Mama in Swahili

Em () in Hebrew

A'ma () in Aramaic

Má or m in Vietnamese

Mam in Welsh

Eomma (, pronounced [mma]) in Korean

In many south Asian cultures and the Middle East, the mother is known as amma, oma, ammi or "ummi", or variations thereof. Many times, these terms denote affection or a maternal role in a child's life.


Mama and papa - Wikipedia


福大人為你解答。世界各地 自然也包括我們中國,那麼先來說說咱們中國貴州省的苗族同胞怎樣過年吧。想知道中國苗族的同胞是怎樣過年的?其實不必走遠國外,來到貴州省的西江千戶苗寨,就可以感受到原汁原味的苗寨傳統大年。居住在苗嶺主峰雷公山下的西江苗人,至今還保持著 以十個月為一歲輪迴 的周代傳統紀年法,每年陰...


盛開的牽牛花 我來回答吧。現在愛情正甜蜜,自然男朋友什麼都好,當然他也只會把自己最好的一面呈現在你眼前。但是一進入婚姻,特別是遠離父母進入男方家庭,各種瑣事一來,你就會特別後悔遠嫁。最常見的一種,例如夫妻吵架的時候,如果公婆都站在老公的立場去指責你,而你退無可退的時候,你就會後悔自己曾經的奮不顧身。...


上天可否眷戀 他們是他們的事,不用拿子女當藉口。如果是子女的話,當時可能會想不通。畢竟父母離婚的話。其實不管是爸爸還是媽媽都是以另外一種方式愛自己。在某種程度上的子女如果提出要求勸他們離婚的話。如果真的是放過彼此,這樣過的比較好話。這也是解放每個人的自由。 丹可愛 我覺得談戀愛應該也要找乙個像爸爸那...