
時間 2021-06-04 13:16:56




Recent research has pinned down the fact the planet smells like rotten eggs.


A team of astronomers discovered recently that it is none other than Hydrogen Sulfide, a gas that gives it that distinct smell and which is present abundantly in the atmosphere of Uranus


astronomer n. 天文學家

abundantly adv. 豐富地,大量地

atmosphere n. 大氣;大氣層;氣氛

This notorious fruit can smell so bad that it recently led to a massive evacuation at a University in Melbourne after students feared there was a gas leakage.


notorious adj. 臭名昭著的

evacuation n. 疏散,撤離

leakage n. 洩露

Turns out, it was a rotten durian fruit that caused the students to panic, the smell of which got carried over the university's air conditioning.


According to a study, the durian fruit gets its characteristic smell from 44-odour active compounds that can smell like anything from a rotten egg to delicious caramel. Go figure!


compound n. 複合物,化合物

AKA, the Stinking Corpse Lily! It literally smells like a dead, decaying and rotting corpse, with a hint of fish and sweaty socks for good measure.


Found in south-east Asia (it's a national flower of Indonesia), it is the largest single flower in the world at around one metre across - and it ranks as the absolute smelliest, right alongside the famed Titan Arum.


While the titan arum takes around a decade between flowerings, the corpse lily's pungent stench blossoms far more often, taking several months at a time, each with a short life-span of 4-5 days only.


pungent adj. 刺激性的

stench n. 臭氣,惡臭

Its reason for smelling so bad? To attract carrion flies which are its potential pollinators. Survival of the smelliest.

Sadly, this amazing flower is on the verge of extinction and is now a protected species.


pollinator n. 傳粉者

extinction n. 滅絕

The Vieux Boulogne is the smelliest cheese in the world. One scientist even subjected its smell to an electronic nose, a device that detects urinary infections and tuberculosis on which it tested positive!


It's no surprise then that some describe the cheese as smelling like a cows behind. Keen to give that one a try? We might skip it for now.


Don't let this one deceive you with its cute face. Get too close and you will definitely regret it. It turns out the Lesser Anteater is five to seven times smellier than the infamous skunk.


infamous adj. 臭名昭著的

The Lesser Anteater uses its stench to ward off any unwanted visitors and predators. You've been warned.


predator n. 捕食性動物


雷霖斯 感激有Sunny 風 雨和海浪聲 感激夏天的樹蔭可以如此的繁盛 感激中午媽媽做的午飯,感激果農帶給我可口的水果 感激乙個之前從不相識的人可以如此愛自己,關心自己 感激人和人之間還能有信任和幫助.生活就是由無數件簡單而普通的小事組成的,心懷感激之情面對周遭,不困難不複雜,就是簡單地偶爾回顧生活...


最苦?沒有最苦只有經歷了才知道 伴侶的虐待 家暴 自己的懦弱,父親不在娘家無人,不希望媽媽擔心。希望自己自強,早日擺脫。每個每個人對於苦的定義不一樣,有人覺得最苦的是生病沒錢治。有人說最苦的是每天都上班,有人說最苦的是逛街沒錢花,你說你最苦的是什麼,只有你自己知道 嘴裡苦 黃連藥。心裡苦 求而不得。...


紫風 就是我在你身邊,你卻在看手機 我上班走的時候,跟你說再見 你在看手機 我下班回來,跟你說回來了 你笑了笑,還在看手機 我做好了晚飯,喊你吃飯 你在看手機 我給你添好了飯 你一邊吃飯,一邊在看手機 我洗完了碗,坐在你身邊,開啟了電視 你還是在看手機 我看著電視節目笑出了聲音,流下了眼淚 你依然在...