flask wtforms驗證函式AnyOf如何使用

時間 2021-07-10 18:41:33


樓上已經將給了乙個比較明確的案例。具體的可以檢視WTForms Documentation

>class wtforms.validators.AnyOf(values, message=None, values_formatter=None)

Compares the incoming data to a sequence of valid inputs.


values – A sequence of valid inputs.

message – Error message to raise in case of a validation error. %(values)s contains the list of values.

values_formatter – Function used to format the list of values in the error message.


我試了下是可以的,從 wtforms.validators中匯入,用法:

about_me = TextAreaField('About me', validators=[AnyOf(values=['ANY', 'None'], message='error')])


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