如何用c 編寫串列埠監控軟體? 監控某個串列埠的資料接受和傳送

時間 2021-07-02 07:00:13


When you select a port to monitor, Portmon sends a request to its device driver that includes the NT name (e.g. \device\serial0) that you are interested in.

The driver uses standard filtering APIs to attach its own filter device object to the target device object. First, it usesZwCreateFileto open the target device. Then it translates the handle it receives back fromZwCreateFileto a device object pointer.

After creating its own filter device object that matches the characteristics of the target, the driver callsIoAttachDeviceByPointerto establish the filter. From that point on the Portmon driver will see all requests aimed at the target device.

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