樹莓派 Raspberry Pi 的效能如何?

時間 2021-06-02 15:44:48

1樓:cooper edward

Take a look at my blog on detailed specs of Raspberry Pi 3B and how to install raspbian, a distribution of Debian Linux. Raspberry Pi: What is it?

1) I mainly use it as a solution for NAS a.k.a.

network attached storage for sharing data among the group members.

2) I use it to browse internet with Chromium. Watching Youtube or Netflix with Chromium is not a good idea but definitely doable.

3) You could convert it to a media center by converting system OS to Kodi. Streaming YouTube and Netflix is pretty smooth.

4) You could build a computing cluster with several Raspberry Pis.

I am writing part of this answer with Raspberry Pi 3B. Anyone know how to install Chinese input on Raspberry Pi 3?

I am considering building a spark cluster with it but the RAM of 1GB is going to be a bottleneck. So I am currently considering Asus tinker board with 2GB of dual channel RAM but the price is much higher.



最近又入了兩個派,乙個3B乙個Zero W。Zero配上攝像頭監控寶寶睡午覺,3B接上電視機開個瀏覽器看現場直播~(手機看著不爽)。偶爾是會卡,但我無所謂,就圖一好玩實用。


補充一下,樹莓派3B是目前樹莓派的最新版本,板載一顆Broadcom BCM2837 1.2GHZ 64bits 四核心CPU,記憶體DDR2 1G,沒有板載儲存裝置,需要外接SD卡才能跑起來。整體配置一般,對於學習嵌入式linux是個不錯的選擇,但在影象處理方面不行,我拿它做2D 雷射 SLAM,只能說湊合,做視覺SLAM沒戲,很卡很卡的節奏......


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